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Aerin Swims the English Channel

Aerin Kelly Bowers

A Jumpstart Canada Fundraiser

Hi Friends,

During the week of September 23-29 this year, I will attempt to swim across the English Channel. Following the Channel Swimming Association Rules, I’ll wear only my bathing suit, swim cap, and goggles. The swim will take me from England to France, covering approximately 35 kilometers. I estimate it will take between 12 to 16 hours. I’ll have a support boat navigating the shipping lanes, throwing me a bottle of feed every hour, and encouraging me to swim faster. :)

This swim is both the realization of a dream I've had for many years, and an event in honour of someone very special to me. As a youngster I was an exceptionally enthusiastic and mediocre swimmer who thrived in the swim club community. Training and competing gave me fitness, goals to focus on, opportunities to travel and learn, and lifelong friendships that continue to this day. After a long break, I returned to swimming in 2013. I quickly rediscovered my love for the sport, particularly open water, and signed up for as many events as I could find. I’ve swum races in Canada, the US, Sweden, Switzerland, France, Italy, and the UK.

Why Jumpstart? I am privileged to have participated in sports since I was a child. My parents were passionate about athletics and kept me and my sister busy and active, driving us to countless activities while working full-time jobs. They volunteered tirelessly to cover the costs, including timing at meets, writing newsletters, coaching, baking for the concessions, and fundraising for our clubs.

My dad, Kelly Bowers, passed away suddenly in 2019, a short time before I received my acceptance for the Lake Zurich Swim. He was a passionate lifelong advocate for physical education, and dedicated his entire teaching career to equity in opportunity for kids in sports. Countless young athletes benefitted from his efforts, but perhaps none as much as me. Fundraising for this swim is a way to honour his efforts on the fifth anniversary of his passing. I know he would have been on my support boat, cheering me on (very loudly) to France.

Please join me in supporting Canadian Tire Jumpstart Charities. Jumpstart helps kids facing financial and accessibility barriers access sports and play. Since 2005, they’ve helped over 2.4 million kids across Canada get involved in activities like swimming, soccer, hockey, and ballet.

You can support me by clicking the “donate” button to make a secure online donation. Together, we can help kids learn new skills, build confidence, and boost their self-esteem through activities in their communities.

Training update! On September 7/8 I completed my "Peak Weekend" - the pinnacle of my English Channel training plan. I swam 7 hours in Kalmalka Lake on Saturday in the sunshine and beautiful blue water. Then I had a delicious pizza at Pane e Vino in Oyama and headed home for a big sleep. On Sunday we were back at it for 6.5 hours in Okanagan Lake, swimming south from Sarsons Beach all the way past Cedar Creek and Bertram Park, turning around at the 3.5 hour point at Malibu Bay point. Felt pretty great the whole time and was super pumped to have this training milestone complete!

Not too many prettier places to do a 7 hour swim! Love Kalmalka Lake!

With my awesome paddler during my "Peak Weekend" swim in Kalmalka Lake on Saturday, September 7


post swim smiles with DCT's Emma France

Getting ready for training in Dover Harbour

Channel Training Update! I was fortunate to take a trip across the pond in July to attend Dover Channel Training over the weekend of the 20/21. Swimming in Dover Harbour with other Channel swimming hopefuls and legends was exactly the motivation I needed at this point in my training plan. The DCT crew administer feeds on the beach on the hour, allowing swimmers to set their own time goals ( I did 7 hours on Saturday and 3 on Sunday), practice feeding, and experience the salty water that is the English Channel. Miraculously, the product on offer worked amazingly for me - no nausea and no barfing! I ordered a bunch and felt so reassured that I probably won't vomit my way across the Channel in September. Subsequent tests have also been successful, so I think I've found my feed at last! Thanks DCT for a great weekend!


The halfway point in my qualifying swim - 3 hours in!

Map from my Qualifying Swim

Swimming the 26 km Sri Chinmoy Lake Zurich Swim in 2022

Yesterday I completed my 6 hour official qualifier swim! All swimmers must swim for at least 6 hours continuously in water that is a maximum temperature of 16 degrees C. It was a great day on Okanagan Lake with my awesome support team!


raised of $10,000 goal

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