Our Pedal for Kids 2023 Team Page

Auto-nomous Riders

Auto-nomous Riders

Hi Friends,

Our team is coming together to support Canadian Tire Jumpstart Charities. 

We believe all kids deserve the opportunity to access sport and play! Jumpstart helps kids facing financial and accessibility barriers so they can develop confidence, community and skills alongside their peers.

You can support our team by hitting the “donate” button to make a secure online donation.


raised of $18,200 goal

7 Riders

Join Our Team

Recent Donations

Christopher Kennedy$60
Donation for CAA
Navpreet singh$900
Andrew Shim$100
David Raponi-Monk
Go Natasha Go!
ACCO Retail Management Inc.$100
Wish I could ride again with you this year. Wishing you all a fantastic and safe experience.
Mrs Taylor
Bradley Couch
Christie Yoon$145
Deborah Guillon
Way to go Natasha! Enjoy the scenery!
Amanda Legeny$50
HyongJun Kim$50
Susan Fanning$60
Kelly Webber$50
James Wallace
Hopefully no flats
Susan Sears$100
Good Luck Ryan & Kate🚴🏻‍♀️🚴🏽‍♂️
Katrina Lee-Kwen
Arthur Chan$50
Kelly Hall$50
Sara Rankin
Dolina Dsouza
Enjoy the ride!
Lindsey Lin
Arpit Nagpal
Brinkee Li$50
Carolyn Kusiar$50
Aymen Malik
Mirwan Saleh
Kasia Kirejczyk$50
Leander Quiring$20
Isaac Hall$50
Good luck on the ride!
Isaac Hall$50
Good luck on the ride!
Keith Lee$25
tom kukovica$100
Good luck!!
Jacqueline Clark
Holly & Carl Kritsch$50
Sanjeev Gupta$50
Will be in Calgary to support and cheer you as well Kate!!!!!
Geet Dhillon$50
Good luck Gabby!
John evangelista$25
Good luck Whitey! ❤️
Michelle Bellamy
good luck Emily!
Prajwal Shetty$20
Studio T3 Engineering$250
Liisa hebburn$50
Enjoy your ride!! Great cause!
lauri traynor$1,000
Scott Cairns$50
Ryan Jaggernauth$50
Judith Myles
Christina Boldy
Good luck Kate!
Maria Sequeira$50
Marianna Theodorou$20
Robert Krumholz$50
Sean Sears$150
Caitlin Patterson$25
Good for you - best of luck!
Jennifer Yip$50
Andrew Hannaford$150
Very sad I won't be pedaling with you this year. :( Take a pull on the front for me!
Andrew Hannaford$150
Very sad I won't be pedaling with you this year. :( Take a pull on the front for me!
Armando Ferlauto$25
Good luck Natasha!!
Kim Naval$50
Tam David$50
Brent Bertolo$25
Paul Chin-Aleong$50
Have a great ride, for a good cause!
Neal Traynor
Kirsti Antaya$25
Colin Johnston$25
Have fun out there!
Elaine Duggan$100
Good luck Gabby
Jenny Johnston$50
Scott Dowding$150
Arvin Kua
Ryan Barber$25
Have fun & good luck!
Nitish Sahay
Go Natasha!
Lesley Mercer$100
Julian Harmsen$30
You rock, Gabby!
Colleen Martin$100
Amanda Vieira$25
Janis Ilekys$50
Way to go Emily! You will do great!
Isabel Afonso$25
Ronald Chan$50
Bobi Emery
Good Luck!
David Ng$50
Justin Robinson$25
Go Gabriela Go!
Rod DV$50
Dr Adam Ross$25
You're greatastic!
Rodrick Senador$25
Robert Krumholz$25
Jared Mender
Mimi Lai$25
Gabby, you're awesome!
Renuka Venkatesan
Patryk Geletka$50
Ilana Santone$100
Patti Bamford$100
Fiona Yang$25
Go Gabriela! Good luck!
Jen Buczkowski$50
Greg Shelly$50
Go for it!
Timur Maltaric$500
Zhixuan Yan$10
Helen Wu$25
Good luck! :)
Bensy C$25
Great cause. Enjoy the ride. All the best Natasha!
Mason Powell$25
Good Luck, Gabi!
Kate Toms$50
Milena Kumurdjieva$100
James Connell$50
Good luck!
Brian Pimentel$25
Good Luck!
Mackensey Bacon$100
Way to go Gabriella!! You are incredible!! Love Joe and Mack
James Cameron
Neil Chauhan$25
Michelle Damphousse$25
Jasjot Singh$25
All the best!
Kelly Hartleib$25
Ahamed Mohideen
Sean Passi
Justin Jaggernauth$50
John Wilson$25
Victor Aveiro$100
You're my hero Kate!!!
Darryl Milroy
Gautam Gour$50
All the best
Shawn Farmer$25
Liza Paul$50
Joe Turner$50
Ken Chiu$25
Anand rudraraju
Vivian Szeto$25
go Gabby!
Evan Sinukoff$20
Colin Hu
Ahmed El-Khuffash$25
Dylan Forgas
Great challenge for a great cause!
Laura Gowanlock$50
Way to go Gabby! An impressive ride for an amazing cause.
Micheline Davies$100
Clinton Sullivan$25
Chris Owen$50
Anne Pappas$50
Elena Branch$50
Go Kate - thanks for representing Auto!
Mary McIntyre$100
Way to go Emily!!!
Linda Hummel
Krissandra Medina$100
Krissandra Medina$100
Keia Johansson$75
Etick Young-Hoon$25
Sean Stokes$100
Dave and Prima Go
Prima Go
Dave Go$350
You better win!
Stephen Brinkley$100
akin young-hoon$50
Full support 'Tash!
Robert Lewis$25
Go Kate!!!!!
Avery Chang$50
Tanya Shum$25
Good luck Natasha!!
Jason Dykstra$100
Lorna Francis$25
Carolyn Kusiar$100
Linda Regalado$25
Have fun Kate!
Katrine Capizzo
Nancy Candido$30
Chris Wright$25
You go girl:)
Stacey Ferguson$50
Lisa Shim$100
Leticia Leung
Anthony McGrath$50
Anthony McGrath$50
Anthony McGrath$50
Cathy Gonzalez
Janice Swan$100
Michael Fong
Liza Paul$50
Melissa Hughes$100
Nicole Lum You$60
Have a good ride!
Marolyn Chamberlin$200
All the best Emily Love grandma
Mark Traynor$50
Sharmayne Mistry$50
Enjoy the ride. Wishing you perfect weather
Rosie Ling$40
Michael & Ellen Ellen Fung
Beth Chamberlin$50
Go Emily!!
Donald Burton$100
Family, friends...it's all about the kids! Have an AMAZING ride!
Leander Quiring
I hope you enjoy the new climate!
Ian Lum-You$50
Enjoy the ride!
Rodney McPherson
Marc Tissington
Good luck and enoy the ride! Great support for a great cause......
Thinushan Sandra$25
laura thomson - da silva$100
Pedal hard, Natasha! Great event and great cause. Wishing you an awesome ride. Laura
Elise Lum-You$20
Rebecca Ko$50
Monique Raymond$25
Best of luck Natasha! Happy to support!
Evan Sinukoff$20
Laura Gowanlock$50
Shannon Lynar$50
Janice Yeung$50
Karen On$50
Quang Minh Le$25
Johnny Lyu$50
Dr. Chris Kinnaird$25
Michael Gravelle$50
John Brenko$50
Donald Simmons$60
Angela Bradfield$50
Mark Kremblewski$50
Lee Ann Carver$50
Amazing thing to do, Emily!! Wishing you enjoyment and endurance.
Eric Stolls$50
Jennifer Forstinger$50
Way to go Emily!!!
Kelsey Smith$25
Let's get it and put some kids in organized sports!!!!!!!!
Caitlin Cooper$25
Emily-Jean Alexander
Maggie wilkins$25
Go Emily go!
Amy Chamberlin$50
Way to go, Emily!!
Pedal for Kids$1,000